Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Let's talk about HURRICANES!

1. To go to the latest maps on Hurricanes and Tropical Storms, go to the National Hurricane Center website.

2. One of the best sources of information on how to build homes in coastal areas is found in the FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) FEMA 55, Edition3/August 2005 "Coastal Construction Manual" Principles and Practices of Planning, Siting, Designing, Construction, and Maintaining Buildings in Coastal Areas. Get it here. It's free and it's a wealth of information on how to build and prepare for flooding, hurricanes and storm protection.

3. To find local FEMA Flood Maps for your area, go to their web page and look under "Latest Available Flood Maps. You can view some maps online or purchase printed maps from FEMA.

4. A wealth of additional information concerning all types of Disasters can be found at the FEMA website. This site has an enormous amount of information and links that will keep you busy educating yourself.

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