Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Floods Really Cost Taxpayers!

The recent flooding along the Mississippi River (again) has brought more misery and property damage of enormous proportions. I'm sorry, but it seems to me if people are required to build their homes and businesses ABOVE the Flood Elevations, we would have a lot less damage. I'm not suggesting we don't build in flood-prone areas, but we make it a requirement to raise construction higher. I have been designing homes along the Atlantic coast for several years and everything is designed to be built above the Federal Flood Elevations. Either our predictions of "Flood Elevations" are too low, or we have a different set of guidelines for people in the floodplains along the Mississippi. For instance, the damage from Hurricane Katrina to New Orleans could have been a lot less if people were REQUIRED to build above the flood levels! Knowing what I do, I would never build a house below the water level elevation of the Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, in a time we really don't need more regulations, I suggest we consider adding a requirement (that) we build our structures above flood levels. I also think we need to revise our flood level elevations up to a more reasonable height, based on more recent floods. (click on the title to see ABC news report)

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